720K Personal disk [Feb 28, 1989] |
23998 23998 Feb 28, 2006 |
Diskette with a lot of utilities for titling video, with startup menu. (Like ROTULOS VIDEO 1, but with this menu) |
| Videographics Full Screen | Tweaked Videographics sof... | videoful | Oct 18, 2004 | | 1988 | | Design | |
| Videographics | Philips Videographics sof... | videogrf | Oct 18, 2004 | | 1988 | | Design | |
| CD48 V1.7 OCT90 | Basic and machine code ma... | run"cd48 | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Animatic V2 | Program made in BASIC use... | run"animatic | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| DesignR | Program to desing sprites... | run"designr | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| TrbWind8 V2 | Digitalize images with NM... | run"trbwind8 | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Trans 8-5 | Converts a SCREEN8 to SCR... | run"trans8-5 | Feb 18, 2006 | | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Sprite 5 | Captures Sprites in a SCR... | run"sprite5 | Feb 18, 2006 | | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| DesPers | Character designer.
Ma... | run"despers | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| DespPant | Like (PROG 28), but with ... | run"desppant | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Logo MSX Stars | Program drawing a MSX log... | run"logmsx | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1985 | Unknown | Animations | |
| VerPan | Tiny utility to show SCRE... | run"verpan | Feb 27, 2006 | | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Desg 7 | Program to draw with the ... | run"desg7 | Feb 28, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Bordear 7 | Border the color 10 pixel... | run"bordear7 | Feb 28, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Bordear 8 | Border the color 10 pixel... | run"bordear8 | Feb 28, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| DigImag | Imagen capture in SCREEN ... | run"digimag | Feb 28, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Titulos 7 | Utility to make superimpo... | run"titulos7 | Feb 28, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Titulos 8 | Utility to make superimpo... | run"titulos8 | Feb 28, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Digit 424 | Image capture using 424 p... | run"digit424 | Feb 28, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Rotulos Video | Program for video titling... | run"rotulvid | Feb 28, 2006 | | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Antena 3 logo | Shows the old Antena 3 TV... | run"ant3 | Feb 28, 2006 | | 1990 | Juan Prada | Animations | |
| Coloretín | Paint colourish squares t... | run"coloret | Mar 02, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Watcher | Show memory contents like... | run"watcher | Mar 02, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design | |
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