| |
MSX MSX-1, the initial standard |
| MakeSon | It can make a lot of weir... | run "makeson | Oct 18, 2004 | | 1990 | Juan Prada | Sound | |
| BasWalk | Sprite movement test made... | run "baswalk | Feb 18, 2006 | | 2004 | Juan Prada | Animations | |
| Moves 2 | Testing of a 3D scroll an... | run "moves2.bas | Feb 18, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations | |
| Scroll | Test of a 3D stars scroll... | run "scroll.bas | Feb 18, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations | |
| Bichis C1 | Test of a sprite jumping ... | run "bichisc1 | Feb 18, 2006 | | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations | |
| OVNI | A 3D simulation game, loo... | run"ovni | Feb 18, 2006 | | 1985 | Unknown | Games | |
| Tito Clemente | Funny test about a TV soa... | Type TITOCLEM in MSX-DOS mode | Nov 12, 2004 | | 1991 | Juan Prada | Games | |
| Turbo Pascal | Turbo Pascal V3.00A - CP/... | Type TURBO being in MSX-DOS | Nov 12, 2004 | | 1990 | Others | Development | |
| Las 4 en raya | Unfinished program for pl... | Type 4ENRAYA | Nov 12, 2004 | | 1991 | Juan Prada | Games | |
| Fall | Animation made in Pascal ... | Type FALL being in MSX-DOS | Nov 12, 2004 | | 1991 | Juan Prada | Animations | |
| Biorritmos | Biorithm calculation... | run"biorrit | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1986 | Unknown | Games | |
| Screen 1 Def | Character edit for SCREEN... | run"scr1def | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Spectrum | ZX Spectrum boot sequence... | run"spectr | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations | |
| Reloj | Mouse move clock... | run"reloj | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations | |
| Reloj II | Mouse move clock, with sp... | run"reloj | Feb 27, 2006 | | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations | |
| Tierra | Earth's animation... | run"tierra | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1986 | Unknown | Animations | |
| Out-A-Time Music | Project Out-A-Time music... | run"outatmus | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1988 | Juan Prada | Sound | |
| El Castillo de Moebert | Platform game... | run"moebert | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1986 | Others | Games | |
| Montgolfier | Shot some birds from a ba... | run"montgolf | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1986 | Others | Games | |
| Logo MSX Stars | Program drawing a MSX log... | run"logmsx | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1985 | Unknown | Animations | |
| Demo Casio FX850P | Startup emulation of Casi... | run"democasi | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1988 | Juan Prada | Animations | |
| Casio Numbers | Game existing in some Cas... | run"casionum , run"numbers | Feb 26, 2006 | | 1988 | Juan Prada | Games | |
| Ritmo | Rithm sequence made in Ba... | run"ritmo | Feb 27, 2006 | | 1988 | Juan Prada | Sound | |
| Asterland MSX1 | Move a space module acros... | run"aster | Mar 05, 2006 | | 1986 | Juan Prada | Games | |
| 2 Bytes | Two byte calculation for ... | run"2bytes | Mar 05, 2006 | | 1986 | Juan Prada | Development | |
| Copy Text | Text screen copy to scree... | run"copytext | Mar 05, 2006 | | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| CM Copy | Copy text screen using as... | run"cmcopy | Mar 05, 2006 | | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design | |
| Music Juan | BASIC programmed song... | run"musicjua | Mar 05, 2006 | | 1987 | Juan Prada | Sound | |
| Gans B52 | Shooting game to little t... | run"gansb52 | Mar 06, 2006 | | 2006 | Unknown | Games | |
| Zen Assembler | ZEN Assembler... | | Mar 08, 2006 | | 1986 | Others | Development | |
| MONS Disassember | MONS Disassember... | | Mar 08, 2006 | | 1985 | Others | Development | |